4-K club projects


Activities of 4-K Club centre on the home project which may consist of growing crops, keeping animals, aquaculture and related activities along the value chain. The 4-K Club leader or extension service provider should consider the following procedure when identifying a member’s home project.


A group project is important for all members of the club. It should encompass all the elements as other projects: namely a planned series of educational activities designed around a topic of interest. A club may choose to use an existing 4-K Club project as a group project, or, design a totally different group project. It must include exploration of the required number of Interest Areas, Learning Experiences and Leadership/Citizenship

Activities that allow participants to become better acquainted with their fellow members while learning.

All project work should be done jointly by members at club meetings, under the direction of the advisor or other resource person. Project activities should be divided among members. Members may do some project activities independently and then teach other members what they have learned during meetings. As with individual projects, all group members are expected to participate in all project activities in some way and become knowledgeable about all aspects of the project topic.


  • To produce adequate food for home consumption and market
  • To teach the importance of the food value of crops, livestock and fish
  • To learn improved crop, livestock and fish husbandry
  • To give the boys and girls a chance to earn money
  • To acquire knowledge and skills for livelihood improvement