Steps to Developing a 4-K CLUB

Stakeholders who are interested in starting a 4-K Club should have the confidence of the people if the programme is to succeed. This will make the community to cooperate and support the programme for sustainability. Programmes that address youth challenges keep them from being idle and give them tangible benefits which will easily be accepted by the farming community.

Securing the approval and active support of formal leaders and stakeholders is an important step in starting a 4-K Club. They must be familiar with the 4-K Club programme from the beginning.

The next step in starting a new 4-K Club is to meet the informal leaders.

This is one of the most important steps. The parents should be informed about the 4-K Club. They should understand that each 4-K Club member “learns by doing” through his/her own project. Members run their own clubs guided by local farmers. Each 4-K Club member finances his/her own project and benefits from the returns. The role of the parents is key in ensuring sustainability of theprojects even after the child has left school. MoALFC supports the programme, but the clubs belong to the members and parents.

The initiating stakeholder(s) should inform the School Head of their intention to start a 4-K
Club and the recruitment of club members. A meeting date, time and venue should be agreed on and pupils/members informed accordingly. The School Head or the stakeholders should also identify a willing patron The topics to be discussed should include the following:

  • Purpose and objectives of 4-K Clubs, explain 4-K Club Motto and Emblem of the 4-K Club
  • Determine number of pupils interested in joining the 4-K Club
  • Ask/request them to secure their parents’/ guardians’ approval to enroll
  • Make plans for the next meeting

In the first meeting, the following should be in attendance:

  • Patron, extension providers, volunteers, community leaders, progressive farmers, agri preneurs, interested members
  • During the meeting of the 4-K Club the following should be accomplished:
  • Elect officials: 4-K Club members should elect the following officials: Chair, vice
  • chair, treasurer, secretary and three committee members
  • Name the club: This is usually the name of the School or other appropriate name
  • Select Enterprises: Extension providers should give guidance in selection of
  • suitable enterprises
  • Register Members: Members should register by filling the application form
  • Plan meetings: Plan for the next meeting

The programme activities require parental support for sustainability. Extension providers, stakeholders and the leaders can achieve these through:

  • Briefing the parents on the 4-K Club progress at any opportune time e.g. parents days, barazas
  • Arranging for an educational tour to members’ farms
  • Helping the members to entertain parents through role plays & skits during parents meetings in the school
  • Publicly appreciate the parents support

If the above steps have been followed, an effective new 4-K Club should be in operation. The extension providers/players should visit the members’ projects regularly and make every project an excellent example of improved agricultural practices. Both gender should be fairly represented in leadership with at least a third from either gender. In addition, if the chairperson is a girl the vice-chair must be a boy and vice versa