4-K Clubs PAS Competition in Brief
- 4-K Clubs apply online to participate in the competition and indicate their basic details i.e. name of 4-K Club, Registration Number, Name of Patron(s) and entry category i.e. crops, livestock, aquaculture or mixed farming
- The 4-K PAS Judging team will then review the applications and determine those qualified to proceed in the competition
- Once approved, 4-K Clubs have to come up with a separate project for the competition, this allows for uniformity across the board
- The timeline for the competition is as follows:
- February/March 2023 – online applications to participate in 4-K Clubs PAS
- March 2023 – approved clubs will be notified on whether to proceed in the competition or not
- March to July 2023 – 4-K Clubs will set up their projects for the competition, this will entail seedbed preparation and planting for crops projects, construction of structures for livestock and aquaculture projects and continue to manage them in time for the judging period
- August to September 2023 will be judging period and awarding of winners at Ward, Sub-county and County levels
- September – October 2023 awarding of National winners
- Judging Criteria will be based on the following key points
- Originality & creativity in choice of project, depicted in title, objectives etc
- Establishment and management practices
- Agri-nutrition considerations
- Demonstration of Environmental conservation
- Inclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) aspects
- Project sustainability and agribusiness potential
- Presentation skills
- Awards and Recognitions
- Ward Level – Certificate of Participation
- Sub-county Level – Certificate of Participation
- County Level – Certificate of Participation
- National Level
- Certificate of Participation
- Trophies for Best Performing 4-K Club, 1st Runners Up and 2nd Runners Up
- Engraved shields for 4-K Club Champion Patrons for the top three 4-K Clubs
- Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals for top 3 4-K Clubs
- 3 day Paid Trip for Headteacher, Patrons and Members of the top three 4-K Clubs to the Nairobi International Trade Fair
- Any other awards that may provided by stakeholders for all levels of the 4-K Clubs PAS Competition
- In the wake of digitization, the 4-K Club Presidential Award Scheme will be executed through an automated platform that will not only feed the judging information but will also be used to register, issue online certificates to the clubs across the country. The system will be availed to judges across country and it will be used for entry and aggregation of scores at each stage to determine the winning 4-K Clubs which will proceed to next level of the competition.